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The Courageous Cleanse Dating Detox

The Courageous Cleanse Dating Detox is a time-bound, highly curated program including intensive one-on-one coaching and custom exercises so you may reach your highest self and manifest your soul’s equal. With Anna, you will identify old, limiting beliefs and habits that are getting in the way of what you are truly looking to attract the life you deserve. 

  • This is not the “She-Woman-Man-Hater” Club. 

  • This is not a self-deprecating pledge of celibacy. 

  • This is not about eliminating men from the earth or your life forever, or extinguishing the patriarchy.

This is about YOU! The journey inward. 

How it works

Through weekly calls, you will be supported in peeling the onion that leads to a life changing journey. Women who seek ‘The Detox’ are highly effective in one or more areas of their lives. Yet, they find themselves single or in the same unfulfilling relationship over and over. With Anna’s guidance and journey through The Detox, they are able to uncover blind-spots, recognize patterns, and claim relationships they have always dreamed of.

With Anna’s guidance, I committed to her suggested “Courageous Cleanse.” During this time (and for the first time ever!), I was gifted with the opportunity to meet, discover, and explore myself. With Anna’s help and through habitual self-care, I learned what I require to be understood, respected, and cared for by another. Thank you for your courage, Anna, and for helping me find mine!
— Georgia R.

Anna’s story

The Courageous Cleanse Dating Detox was born of my own experience and personal journey. One night I found myself crying uncontrollably on the floor of my running shower. I had just been “ghosted.”

As a result, with no way to cope, my sexual behavior and my desperation to be in a relationship, any relationship, led me to this moment. I engaged in some of the riskiest, unsavory situations of my young life. I was at a crossroads; I could either continue on a path of self-destruction or the path to self-discovery–thankfully, I took the latter.

Simply, I cleared space. I “cleansed” the men out of my life. I gave myself one gift: 90 days to know myself. All I had was a small hope that maybe I could find something at the end of it–maybe self-respect, my dignity, perhaps repair my reputation.

It all seemed lofty at the time. I just wanted relief. Through my own cleanse, I found myself, just enough for me to see past what was blocking me. A small crack in a very large window. This crack gave me enough courage, self-love, and identity to recognize when ‘The One’ showed up. 

As a result of the work, I found my husband. I found the man of my dreams. My soul’s equal. The work allowed me to find the mirror image of my true self in another. I’m not going to promise a husband, life-partner, or a prince charming by the end of The Man Cleanse, but I can promise an unwavering inner strength and a heightened sense of self-love.